From funnel to fully-monetized

Marketing that makes the most of every resource so you can realize the full potential of your business

We focus on fully monetizing your business

From the first funnel all the way to outstanding customer lifetime value

Using all the specialist experience, tools, and strategies at our disposal to help you and your funnel thrive today and for the long term. 

Because if success was as easy as following a few simple steps then everyone would be a multimillionaire by now, right?

The secret is you don’t just need a funnel, you need the right funnel...

How do I know? Because as the most-awarded ClickFunnels consultant with 7 ClickFunnels 2 Comma Club awards and a 2CCX award I’ve seen too many people come to my agency after they’ve gotten it wrong.

Or more often the funnel worked for awhile but now they just can’t scale the results like they want.

There is a formula for marketing success...

It’s just a little less 1+1=2 and a little more like an equation from mathematical physics that makes you feel a bit seasick if you look directly at it for too long.

The good news?

We deeply understand that formula and how the variables in your business, your audience, and the world at large affect the outcome of that formula.

And we translate all the science and art and jargon that makes sophisticated marketing seem so out of reach giving you the competitive advantage you need to go from funnel to fully monetized.

The real (funnel) magic happens behind the scenes...

No matter how flashy your funnel is, it will only convert if your strategy and marketing align with your ideal customers

That’s why so many of our clients have come to us after attempting to hack popular funnels. They didn’t see the success they expected and they couldn’t figure out why.

It’s because they didn’t understand the strategy behind the funnel, the psychology that dictates certain choices and points of leverage.

At Business Nitrogen, we pride ourselves on a masterful knowledge of the process behind human decision making. And we continually test to ensure our strategies remain relevant and powerful in today’s market.

Every funnel is different because you and your audience are unique. So it’s important to work with experts who know exactly how to uncover your audience’s pains and desires, objections and misconceptions, to create marketing messages specifically tailored towards them.

The ultra-successful marketing funnels you hear stories about, the ones you dream of replicating for your own business...

They’re all built with the same 3 elements...

The right offer and monetization strategy

The right funnel and marketing

The right audience and traffic

We believe that marketing is more powerful when you leverage a deep understanding of human behavior and communication which allows us to anticipate your customers needs, hesitations, and questions to build stronger marketing funnels and campaigns that perform at a higher level and make real gains toward your most ambitious business goals.


Your full-service funnel and marketing solution

These are just a few of the ways we help our clients achieve their ambitious goals...

The right offer and monetization strategy
  • Value Propositions
  • High Ticket Offers
  • Product Lifecycle Management
  • ​Upsell and Cross-Sell Techniques
  • ​Membership Models & Subscriptions
  • ​Loyalty Programs
  • ​Pricing Psychology
  • ​Consultation & Mentorship
  • ​Market Trend Analysis
  • ​E Commerce Strategies
  • ​Bundle Offers & Packages
  • ​Digital Product Creation
The right funnel and marketing
  • Funnel Development & Optimization
  • ​Email Marketing
  • ​Ad Campaigns
  • ​Copywriting & Video Scripting
  • ​Graphic Design
  • ​Quizzes & Interactive Marketing
  • ​A/B Testing & Optimization
  • ​Retargeting Strategies
  • ​Affiliate Marketing
  • ​Webinars & 5 Day Challenges
  • ​Lead Generation
  • ​Boosting Customer Lifetime Value
The right audience and traffic
  • Target Audience Identification
  • ​Analytics & Performance Tracking
  • ​Behavioral Targeting
  • ​Customer Segmentation
  • ​Paid Traffic Acquistion
  • ​SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
  • ​User Experience (UX) Audits
  • ​Quizzes & Chatbots
  • ​Community Engagement
  • ​YouTube and Podcast Strategy
  • ​Content Syndication
  • ​Speak To Sell Training

These are just a few of the ways we help our clients achieve their ambitious goals...

  • The most profitable opportunities hidden in your business today
  • Expert insights and advice that you can use right away
  • How we can help you move towards a fully-monetized business
  • ​Whether we’re the right fit to work together and make those plans a reality

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